Picnic, The Ultimate Alfresco

Is there anything more dreamy than enjoying a meal amongst blue skies with friends?
Be it a thermo lined, Tupperware wedged hamper, filled with all ones out door eating heart can desire, whilst lazing away the day, cloud watching, broken up only by the occasional arm reaching over to grab another grape and wedge of cheese before returning to idly day dreaming the day away. Or a bag of salty chips on the seafront. Wind swept, sun kissed after an afternoon throwing rocks at rocks and spotting France in the distance.
17th Century France, being the very place where the art of picnicking began. To ‘Picque – Nique’ meaning quite simply, to ‘Pick at your food’, was a social gathering outside, often involving cards and drinking. Very little has changed over the years, the variation is as broad as champagne, intricate canapes topped with flecks of dill, silver crockery, and strict etiquette to a squashed BLT packet sandwich on a park bench. This year however, the picnic has really come into it’s own. As the clouds begin to part and the world begins to re-open slowly and cautiously , reuniting with friends and family outside is the perfect meeting ground.
We decided to create a package that could help bring a happy medium to the extremities with which the picnic scale is graded. Basically, lots of fantastic, local food made to share (or not dependant on your popularity and or appetite). Reaching to local businesses that provide delicious products such as Falconhurst Farm shop in Cowden for the baguettes to make the iconic Jambon – Beurre with our salty, sweet cola ham. Cheeses from Kent and Sussex. The glistening cured meats from Northcote Charcuterie to add smoky depth to the meat graze box along with a light coating of fennel infused lip gloss thanks to the pockets of delicious fat. Paired with the local wonders we’ve added our own produce from the buttermilk scones, the pillowy donkey almost buckling under the heavy weight of clotted cream and jam straight to your mouth. Wild garlic and Graceburn Puff rolls. Laminated, buttery pastry painted with vivid green, garlicky pesto and sprinkled with the soft marinated cheese from Bough Beech.
To help make the long awaited get togethers that bit more special and memorable, we’ve also teamed up with local classic car hire company, Oxted Classics. An incredible fleet including a bright orange, original Fiat 500, convertible mustangs screaming for an engine rev and aviators, a classic white Jag with red leather interior. Paired with our ultimate picnic hamper, full of local food and drink and served in a unique 70’s wicker hamper.
After so long taking the simple act of picnicking with mates for granted, we can at last throw away the tracksuits, dig out the sun hats and dried grass coated blankets. Grab your keys, raise a fist in the air before chanting ‘I’m just popping out!’ and heading off for an adventure to celebrate life, food and the great outdoors once again.